Services for pharmaceutical and medical devices industry

Producers / Investors / Wholesalers / Distributors / Representatives

Market entry of new product

Market Analysis

Preparation for market entry of medicines, medical products and orphan drugs in European countries, with focus on health financing and the socio-political environment

Studies preparation

Detailed calculations and preparation of all necessary analyzes and studies (feasibility; pharmacoeconomic; cost-effectiveness; budget impact etc.)

Recommendations and advice

Additional insider analyzes and recommendations specific to a particular market (price policy; public procurement; negotiating market entry agreements; influence of interest groups, etc.)

Strengthening the market position

Competition analysis

Detailed analysis of current and potential competitors within a particular market according to target segments

Customer analysis

In-depth assessment of current and potential customers and opportunities to expand sales

System analysis

Analysis of the impact of socio-political environment, interest groups, and all the obstacles and opportunities of a particular healthcare system that affect the possibilities of further strengthening of the market position


Healthcare financing

Learn everything about the financing of healthcare systems - from the theoretical foundations to the specifics of each healthcare market, with an emphasis on specific segments that directly affect your business

Pricing policy

Learn everything about the pricing of medicines, medical products and devices, and its direct link to your business in a particular market

Market entry agreements

Learn the specifics of negotiating contracts with health funds for the financing of novelty and orphan drugs and new technologies in a particular health market

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